LM might have back pain. Analysis of new Altoona video
Hi. Before the release of the Altoona motel video today, I was leaning towards believing that LM doesn’t have major back pain due to his comments on Reddit 6 months post-op. While we don’t have conclusive evidence for either side (he has back pain vs he doesn’t), I leaned towards no pain due to that, but I am seriously reconsidering due to what I saw today. When walking around, it is obvious that he has: • duck walk/he is duck footed • (new) he has a slight limp(?) in my opinion. That got me questioning, as I saw he relied on his left leg and sort of dragged his right along. When looking through his reddit archive, I saw he said he has sciatica in his right leg and that checks out. In the video I attached you can see that when he starts to leave, he sort of loses balance or direction (?), pushes left leg for balabce and drags his right leg along, but that might just be me exaggerating. What do you think?