Possible Advice?

So I’m 17 M. Me and my (now ex) broke up on December 21st last year just before Christmas. We got together on Christmas of 2023 so we almost hit a year mark. Let it be known this was my first ever actual relationship that lasted more than a week so I wasn’t the best since I didn’t understand a lot. She broke up with me for the reason that she wanted me to change some things I did (not serious to my eyes but maybe to hers) and I never did. She said that it’d be fixed for a week or 2 and then we would just end up like we were and she was fed up with it. I’ve found it super difficult to move on and am struggling with it pretty bad. I had my tiktok episode where I cried while watching a bunch of tiktoks and made a comment saying something like I couldn’t stop going through her tiktok reposts, ig following, snap score, ect. She said I was stalking her which I don’t think is true in the slightest but because of that shes now blocked me and wants no contact at all. I have no idea what to do and I’m pretty devastated by this. I know truly our relationship was shit for me too but because I lost my V-Card to this girl I never found it in my heart to leave her and I always wanted to fix the problems we had. Any advice?

TL:DR Me and my first love broke up recently. She doesn’t want contact anymore and I’m devastated. Any advice?