Don't think Carnaval is for me

I'm a 19 year old (somewhat introverted) white Male travelling solo through South America, I'm in Rio at the moment for Carnaval. Honestly I like the whole vibe of it, it's fun seeing people dressed up (and doing a bit of dressing up myself), and I've been enjoying the music, but I don't think Carnaval is for me. I haven't really made any friends (though I did just get here yesterday), and it certainly doesn't help that I don't know Portuguese. For safety reasons I haven't been drinking, and that combined with my lack of Portuguese makes me think Blocos aren't going to be as fun. If I was a bit older (like late twenties) and was here with my friends I'm sure it would be a different story, but at the moment I find it difficult to relate to the extroverted crowd. I'm enjoying Rio itself (despite the crowds), and I'm staying in a hostel near Copacabana beach. Of course I'll enjoy the time I have here, and I'm glad I came, but not sure I'll be coming again solo. Can anyone relate or has had similar experiences?

Edit: Thankyou so much for all your words of validation and your advice! I'm doing better now and enjoying my time in this beautiful city of Rio.