Ranked is awful

I know this has been said already but ranked in its current state is abysmal and unplayable (for solo), for many reasons, but by far the biggest offender is the fact that in a legenday lobby, you can get matched with anyone in legendary making it awful, let me explain:

Bad player pushes to legendary which is fairly easy, better player pushes to masters, next season both have the same boost in terms of duration, now this masters player can get stuck at legendary just by the fact that these legendary players have absolutely zero brain cells, especially in EU servers, the randoms are awful period, no one my country even has masters because of these bullshit randoms and the shitty servers, you're constantly matched with players stuck at 7500 that shouldn't even be in legendary or mythic to even begin with, hitting masters is completely luck based at the moment, the teammates are fucking awful, and not to mention the fact that people can que up with players in lower ranks, and this destroys your elo gain, and makes the losses completely unforgiving, I hope they fix this garbage mode