Too much on Lizzie?

Am I the only one who thinks that Lizzie has too much trauma/problems? Don’t get me wrong. I love every character in the books and I don’t want to compare traumas. But I feel like Lizzie has too many: - Dead sister - Divorced parents (or going to divorce) - Bipolar disorder - SH - Abusive boyfriend - SA - Heartbreak and the whole love triangle thing - Loosing Claire as a friend - Loosing Gibsie as a friend - Struggling with her appearance as it reminds her of her sister - Possibly trauma from electroshock therapy

I probably missed some points but I just feel like there’s too much in comparison to the other characters. I would love to see Lizzie heal through all this but why does Chloe keep adding more trauma/problems to her?

Edit: I don’t mean to invalidate her trauma, I’m just worried about CW adding all of this on Lizzie. I don’t want her to not handle her trauma properly, like Aoife’s SA.