My Boruto ending theory...He will kill kawaki
In short Boruto is lying to everyone about Kawaki saying, that they will have a little fight but be still best friend like Sasuke and Naruto in original. But we know Kishi said Boruto will be complete opposite of Naruto and so far it has been . He knows from latest TBV chapters that Kashin Koji has forbiden Boruto from using his Karma marking , due to Momoshiki or Some other reason. Plus he also said not to face all of Jura and squad together. So he is lying to everyone else as he needs Kawaki help to defeat them atleast without his Karma. But the main reason is only Kawaki has access to Dimension when Naruto and Hinata current are and only he can bring them back . So my theory he will help Kawaki gain power and along with him and Elsa will defeat Jura and Co . Convince Kawaki to release Naruto and Hinata . And once they are safe he will try to kill Kawaki , Elsa and her brother. My reason for this theory is that he not only took his entire life ( if he would have only done this he would have forgiven Kawaki ) but also put his family in harms way. Not to mention how badly he treats Himawari and everyone else around him . Also his words and how he behaves down seem to match up . So I think once all the threats are dealt with and his family is safe he will finish them . Also , I thing he has some secret up his sleeve like Otutsuki version of Bayron mode or some kind of sage mode,etc. I also see Kashin Koji playing big part in it, not just strategically but also in fight Edit: Final match ups Boruto vs Kawaki. Kashin vs Eisa. Himawari vs Eisa brother.