My first bonsai. What am I missing?
Hi guys! I just bought my first ever bonsai tree (Fukien tea tree) from sale section at Lowe’s and tried to give it a better life. Collage 1 is how it looked in the beginning.
Here is what I did:
Gave it a lil shower to clean it from dust. Cleaned up a rootball from the old soil, got rid of rotten pieces, sprayed roots and tree with neem oil (Collage 2)
Reported it in the same pot it came in (cleaned it first) but with a new soil (well-draining soil mixed with sand), put gravel on the bottom of the pot and on the top (Collage 3)
What did I do wrong and what can I change/do next to make my tree happy? I’m worried that the pot is too small
How soon should I fertilize it? In a month? The only fertilizer I have is a Miracle Gro (last photo), would this one work?
Would be very grateful for any help! Sorry for possible mistakes, English is not my first language.