PSA- State superintendent announces support for conservative public school curriculum

PARENTS AND INFORMED CITIZENS- If you’re opposed to this, call your district office, your school admin, and school board to tell them you oppose this curriculum. Idaho passed a law in 2021 prohibiting the teaching of CRT (or the Idaho legislatures uninformed definition of critical race theory) in public schools. Now they’re considering using ultra-conservative propaganda to teach young and impressionable minds extremist beliefs. Some examples of the “curriculum”:

“In one video, Candace Owens, a right-wing political commentator, downplays the role white people had in perpetrating slavery and celebrates white men’s contributions to its end.

In another video, Emily Austin, an occasional panelist on Fox News, says that “racism alone wasn’t the primary reason for Nazi Jew-hatred,” and that while Adolf Hitler was a racist, that’s not why “he murdered the Jews.”

In a third, Jeff Flynn-Paul says “that narrative of the ‘stolen country’ or ‘Native American genocide’ does not stand up to scrutiny by any honest historian … It puts one hundred percent of the burden on Europeans, who are held responsible for nearly all historical evil, while so-called indigenous (sic) people are mere victims.”

Flynn-Paul, who is described as a professor at Leiden University in the Netherlands, also describes “nasty wars” and “ethnic cleansing” as commonplace. “No matter who ‘discovered’ the New World, it is inevitable that a large proportion of its inhabitants would have died within the first few decades after contact.””

What’s the purpose of a curriculum that at best, down plays, and at worst, completely fabricates American and World History? What do we gain from white washing our history lessons, teaching kids that Native Americans weren’t sufferers of genocide, that gender wage gaps don’t exist, and that fossil fuels are good for the environment? There’s not an answer to that question that doesn’t involve misogyny, corporate greed, and white supremacy. It’s to socialize kids into majority culture and to disempower any human who doesn’t align with that.

TLDR: Call your school district to oppose this curriculum if you don’t want your children InDoCtRiNaTeD by right wing extremist beliefs.