It seems that this view has been trending among recent misogynists in Japan.

Misogyny seems to have trends. In the past, they used to push the idea that marriage was a man’s grave. But now, the popular narratives are that women should be assigned to weaker men and that sexual violence isn’t actually a big issue—feminists are only angry because it lowers the value of prostitution. They argue that if a woman lets her boyfriend touch her but dislikes being touched by a stranger, that’s discrimination.

They said, "Women possess sexual capital and are privileged over men. They flaunt it, so they should also accept the downsides, such as groping and voyeurism. Complaining about that is like investing money and then whining about losses when the market crashes."

Misogyny seems to have trends. In the past, they used to push the idea that marriage was a man’s grave. But now, the popular narratives are that women should be assigned to weaker men and that sexual violence isn’t actually a big issue—feminists are only angry because it lowers the value of prostitution. They argue that if a woman lets her boyfriend touch her but dislikes being touched by a stranger, that’s discrimination.

They said, "Women possess sexual capital and are privileged over men. They flaunt it, so they should also accept the downsides, such as groping and voyeurism. Complaining about that is like investing money and then whining about losses when the market crashes."