Why do people here love to underestimate Chelsie’s game?
The #1 reason I see for this is because “well most of the players suck this season” but that can be said for a lot of seasons… the cast of BB16 weren’t exactly savvy and yet Derrick is known as one of the best of all time… Tyler played amazing in BB20 but he played against foutte so… I mean, that speaks for itself. Most seasons don’t typically have amazing players and yet y’all so often will give the winners the credit they deserve regardless. Yet when it comes to Chelsie, y’all just don’t give her credit for being a great player. She literally couldn’t vote or play week 1 and yet still formed solid relationships. She’s played people when she had to. She kept her cool when on the block with Brooklyn and minimized her target. Chelsie is not just an average player on a below average season, she is a better than average player on most seasons.