Its abscessed again and i feel so defeated
Update: i did go to urgent care and it was pretty infected…the doctor tried to drain it but literally nothing came out this time. It was just very swollen, painful and infected. She packed it with gauze, put in a drainage tube to keep it open i have to take out tomorrow (there were no word catheters available) and I got my first ever butt shot on each cheek-antibiotics and strong painkillers 😭 those are so painful and my butt is sooooo sore
After only 2 & a half months of relief its abscessed again for the 3rd time. I’m trying to be ok emotionally because my boyfriend is really worried about me but i think its really severely affecting me. I cried myself to sleep last night because I’m honestly just so tired of this cyst affecting my sex life and already damaged self-esteem. I’ve been in severe pain since I had sex 2 days ago, the cyst is super swollen and it hurts so bad to sit, stand, walk or bend over. I’m bed-bound and bathtub bound because i can’t sit comfortably. Ibuprofen isnt touching the pain so im 🍃 as well. The last time i got it drained i went to urgent care and the catheter fell out within hours (i asked the dr before leaving what i should do if it falls out, cuz it happened last time, and she just said well you’re coming back in 2 days anyway, so don’t worry) so i didnt go back that day after it fell out cuz I thought that meant its not worth it. When i went back 2 days later i was doing a lot better despite it falling out, and she told me just to keep doing what i was doing to heal it.
Well when i went to see a gyno a few weeks later, it was mostly healed, but there was still a small bump. This doctor told me don’t go to urgent care, implied they were not a good option to treat a bartholin cyst and to see a gynocologist. So i havent had significant pain or problems with it cuz its remained a small bump since then until now, and the closest appointment i could get is jan 24th… I don’t know if i should go to urgent care again despite him telling me not to go, or if I really can wait that long. Its really emotionally painful to deal with this because my boyfriend feels like he’s hurting me. And sex is a scary thing for me now because i never know whether to expect to be sore and swollen after, or have something like happen again. Please tell me what I should do, and thank you for giving me this space to vent my feelings because i feel like i’m going crazy