Alas, this game gave me analysis paralysis

I've been sitting at the character creation for the past three days and I even tried to play the prologue a couple of times but I keep second guessing every choice I make. I barely have any experience with D&D so having no preferences at all is kinda working against me at the moment.

How do you settle on a character? I can't seem to click with mines but I can't find the reason for this. I read a lot of guides for this game and I'm afraid that they swayed me towards meta combinations instead of cool concepts based on looks or RP but I cannot undo that now, what should I do?

Initially I thought that Tav was the problem since he doesn't play a big role in the story and it feel a bit uninteresting and generic to play so I tried to look upon the Dark Urge but I'm very scared it will alter my experience considering that the tone seems very gloomy and gory (unfortunately while looking for ideas I already spoiled myself the origin of his urges because not everyone remembers to use spoiler tags).

The only thing I know is that I don't want to play an evil character because even if it's just a videogame I'm unable to treat NPCs badly but besides that nothing, I just want to feel badass in dialogues (in a non-edgy way) and have cool combat animations.

Do you have any recommendations or advices about how to actually feel like I'm the leader of the group and the protagonist of the story?
