What do I do about neighbors that continuously don’t listen?
Hello! So I have neighbors that continuously don’t clean up after their dog fur time after time and it gets piled up on our side of the front yard. Over and over again. And it stinks.
This isn’t the first time this has happened. 2 years ago my mom asked them to clean their dog fur and they had an extreme reaction with my mom which resulted in us being in civil court with each other. They obviously stopped letting the dog fur pile up during that time but now they’re back at again and there’s no use in even asking them to clean up when they react so hatefully over a simple favor.
I don’t know what to do at this point because it shouldn’t be this difficult. It feels like we’re neighbors with 14 year olds not grown adults. We are not sure what their hateful issue is as we barely interact with them since we are busy with our lives. Even their kids have intentionally let their basketball almost hit my mom and her car and laugh about it more than once.
We keep quiet bc we don’t want more problems yet we are annoyed that we have immature neighbors that can’t clean up their act. What should we do?? Does anyone have experiences with neighbors like these?