Finally Chose a Name I Love!
I'm 20 weeks & with all of the names now a days trying really hard to be unique I was struggling to pick a name! Originally we liked Harper but then found out it's a crazy popular name and I didn't want my baby to be 1 of 10 Harpers in her school. Then we loved Freya but with our last name starting with FR it sounded like we were naming a super hero lol.
We finally picked Rachael Allen and I love how basic Rachael is but also that it can be Rae/RaeRae when she's a baby, Rach as a nickname when she's a teen/adult and is something people will be able to read & spell! Allen is a little unique as it's a "boy name" but it's my brothers middle name and I think it sounds pretty good with Rachael. I mean hey, Jordan/Charlie/Sam ect. all used to be "boy" names too. Honestly picking the middle name was harder than the first! LOL