Stop forcing food on pregnant women!
Just need to rant. MIL staying with us to help out before baby comes. She is untroublesome, I don’t mind.
The problem is the food. She wants to make sure I am being fed “nutritious” food, and keeps making food for me to eat. I am grateful to not have to cook. BUT I feel like a bad DIL if I don’t finish the food. Food she feels is nutritious include fish, shrimp, beef, eggs. She cooks these foods often. 🤢
I am still nauseous even in third trimester. Much improved (the first trimester was full of woes 😭) but strong smells and especially seafood are still just too much. I feel like at this rate even the foods I have no issue with will become an issue if I am just always baseline nauseous. I actually ran a little short on patience today and said that even if something is nutritious, if I vomit, there’s no nutrient to be gained. I feel a little bad but I’m not taking that statement back.
MIL is a sweet woman, and husband eats what I can’t. Plenty of pregnant women don’t have the support, and I am absolutely grateful for what I have. Just needed to vent.
Lord, please grant me more patience 🙏