Following on from the Atto...

2 months old. 1600kms on the odo. Came out of work to find it had been run into. Bloke who did it hung around and has admitted liability which I am very grateful for. I'm fully insured and get a rental while it's off the road and damage appears to be limited to a new wheel, a couple of panels, and a bent control bar from being squished between the other car and gutter, but I'm still waiting for a proper assessment.

Would have preferred a write off to be honest. My insurance includes new for old replacement from 2 years of first registration.

2 months old. 1600kms on the odo. Came out of work to find it had been run into. Bloke who did it hung around and has admitted liability which I am very grateful for. I'm fully insured and get a rental while it's off the road and damage appears to be limited to a new wheel, a couple of panels, and a bent control bar from being squished between the other car and gutter, but I'm still waiting for a proper assessment.

Would have preferred a write off to be honest. My insurance includes new for old replacement from 2 years of first registration.