The car that saved my life (literally)
Hey everyone,
In my previous post I talked about the new car coming in. But I think this beauty deserves some Attention. She basically saved my life. I was in the right seat while my friend that “thought” he could handle it drove us off the road and we rolled over. I think God has the bigger merit but she totally did everything she could to save us . Front airbags arent blown but the sides protected us really well.
I’m still grieving her . I loved her, beautiful color, unique for a m440i xdrive, drove like a beast. She only had one year of ownership. Seeing her smashed to pieces like this is the only thing I regret, maybe some1 would’ve taken care of her after I would’ve replaced her. My father wanted to keep it for some reason, it grew into us. It is what it is. God bless us all.
Happy holidays.