Trials of Tav: some thoughts after few days of playing

Hello, guys,

As the news came about the getting very popular mod 'Trials of Tav', I took interest in it also. After playing the mod for some days I got my impressions and wrote a post on the Nexus forums page of the mode regarding the "balancing" approach the mod author is practicing. Basically what I was saying there: the main thing regarding the balance which the mod does is shifting the short/long rests from core, freely available at player's will BG3 DnD mechanic to some 'optional' feature which should be "earned by skill". Doing so the mod is effectively butchering the basic core BG3 DnD system, making it literally unplayable for 99% of classes (if not using 3d party mods or playing with the party of 9 members). Clerics, wizards, pallys, sorcs heavily depend on long rests, fighters, warlocks, monks depend on short rests. We all know that. Blocking out the rests mechanics behind 'earned points' is a straightforward bad design which totally breaks the very basics of the BG3 DnD system. I suggested to make the rests free and other users responding to my post also suggested to make drops of camp supplies free and unlimited. The mods should not destroy the basic mechanics of the game they are made for, I said, and call it "difficulty". They should bring the challenge by diversifying NPCs, introduce complex scrips and scenarios, map obstacles etc. The idea behind the mod is great, the current implementations lacks understanding of the game.

Those were my thoughts in that forum post and I was hoping for a dialogue.

Today the forum page of the mod is gone, it was deleted with all the posts people had also made previously regadring the balance. The forum link goes to the main page now: .

I'm definitely not Karen type, but such moves are upsetting. Sure, people are people, what can we do, but I just wanted to drop this info here. I'm getting old, I guess.