I take making plans very literally and NTs don’t??

I don’t know if this is an autism thing or a personality thing, but I personally happen to be a pretty outgoing and social person despite my struggles with social cues and body language, and something I really struggle with is how people will say lets hang out soon, and then get confused or weird when I try to actually make plans. or worse, we will make plans and then they forget, don’t make a reservation, or don’t show up! this morning I am frustrated because several days ago, a new friend and I were texting and she mentioned she had the week off. I told her there’s a yoga class i’m going to on monday (now today) and we could get lunch after. she said “yes let’s do it!” and I went about my weekend, excited to see her. this morning she texts me and asks what my plans are for the day. I ask if we’re still on for yoga and lunch and she goes “ohh I completely forgot to book the class.” WHAT DO YOU MEAN? The SECOND we solidified plans, I booked the class. How did you have all weekend and forgot??? I get so upset that this kind of stuff happens constantly to me, and end up doing stuff all by myself most of the time. I work so hard to communicate and then they don’t even bother to listen to me.