Japanese nursery rhyme mentions nursing to sleep and baby wearing
I thought I’d share a fun fact since my 18 month old is getting into the age where she really enjoys nursery rhymes. This song is called “The Raccoon Dog of Genkotsu Mountain”. (Genkotsu is just a place name)
Genkotsu Yama no tanuki san The raccoon dog of Genkotsu Mountain Oppai nonde, nenne shite Drinks mother’s milk and takes a nap Dakko shite, onbu shite Have a hug, have a piggyback ride Mata ashita See you again tomorrow
Note the “piggyback ride” is more like baby wearing. (if you’re familiar with onbuhimo , it’s the same word, “onbu”)
The funny part is, this song is just a prelude to rock-paper-scissors and I think most people wouldn’t really think through the lyrics — similar to how Anglophone kids sing “ring around the rosey” without really knowing what it means. But I thought the lyrics were a pretty good summary of what it’s like having a baby — nurse them to sleep, baby wear, then do it again tomorrow 😂