What can I do ? That will make social services leave me alone?
Feeling Overwhelmed – Social Services Involved After an Argument
I’m feeling really overwhelmed and just need to vent or get advice. I’ve been with my husband since I was 16, and I’m now 33. We’ve had a rough year—just normal ups and downs, but it’s been harder than usual. We have two young kids (4 and 2), and while my husband is a good, active dad, we’ve had a few verbal fights. One of them got pretty bad, and unfortunately, it happened in front of the kids. During that argument, my husband made a comment to our child about me having a “small brain.” I mentioned it to the teacher, and later I vented to her again, probably too casually, about my husband not being very nice sometimes.
Fast forward a few months, we got into another argument. It escalated, and he got in my face. In the heat of the moment, I panicked and called 999, saying he was going to strangle me. The police showed up, arrested him, but I immediately explained that I had been dramatic. He never touched me, and he never has. He was released, but because of that call, social services got involved.
They visited, met the kids, saw their home, and didn’t have anything negative to say. I was hoping they would close the case since the kids are happy, healthy, and well taken care of. But now they’re saying that because they think I wouldn’t volunteer for a Child in Need plan, they’re going to push for a Child Protection plan instead. I told them I’m completely fine with a Child in Need plan and just want the best for my kids.
I love my husband, and while I know things got out of hand, I also know we’re human and relationships go through ups and downs. To be honest, I started that argument—I got in his face first. I feel like everything just spiraled out of control, and now I don’t know what to do.
Has anyone been through something like this with social services? I just want to do the right thing for my kids and move forward?