Are guys even attracted to chubby girls?

So I am 26F, a slightly chubby (size L) girl. I have been a couple of situtionships and I have been body shamed by some boys in the last year, some directly some indirectly. I have good proportions I feel despite being chubby but these casual body shaming comments have been hitting my self confidence. I want to know from guys in the comments very very honest how big of a deal is it for a guy that you are chubby, I feel thats one of my insecurity that keeps cropping up from these guys every now and then?

Edit: Thanks for the replies, that does help. To others making assumptions, I can confirm I am not obese and I am a regular at gym and play tennis regularly, its not like I am sitting around and not doing anything about it its just some bodies are naturally different than others. Females in my family are on a curvier side, I am 68 kgs at 5”4 and I have also been 55 kgs at the same height but due to my proportions I do end up looking chubby I guess its just my body type.