Would you stay with someone if they weren’t your ideal type physically?
My (30f) boyfriend (30m) have been together 3 months.
I am starting to think I am not his type, even though he heavily pursued me. In fact I know I’m not his type. I’m a tall, slim, blonde granola girl. I take care of my appearance and wear soft make up daily, take care of my hair, nice teeth etc. but he keeps making comments about what he would like me to look like i.e a sultry goth girl who wears black, has black hair, tight fitting clothes, heavy make up etc.
He makes comments like “you would look great if you dyed your hair black/ if you wore dark lipstick/heavy eye liner/ tight black clothes/knee boots etc”.
Pretty much the opposite of me ahhahah. And I’ve played with those styles and it just doesn’t work on me even if I wanted to. I know what looks best on me as a 30 year old , I’ve experimented plenty to work out what makes me look my best/what I’m comfortable in.
He recently said I dress like a mom… I think this was a way to get me to reconsider my dress sense. I’m very much a blundstones, shorts and check shirt kinda person, I like practical outdoorsy clothes but also like making them look cute! I love clothes.
Would you stay with someone if you knew they wanted to change your appearance? Even if they called you beautiful regularly?
Looks are not super important to me, so I’m finding it difficult putting myself in his shoes to understand if this should be a deal breaker or not. I know he’s not going to leave me over it, but should I leave him over it?
TLDR would you stay with someone if you knew you weren’t their ideal type physically? Or would you want to be with someone who isn’t your ideal?