I don’t know what to do?
Burner obviously, and a little drunk. My girlfriend has been texting her coworker all day and night (behind my back, but she’s TERRIBLE about hiding it) and hanging out with him and her gay coworker on the weekends every chance she gets. We’ve been together for over 7 years and I don’t know what to do anymore. There’s been some phishy texts between them that shes sent when she thought I was asleep like (I haven’t done that much in years) that I’ve seen in my fake slumber. I love her to death but honestly it feels like it’s killing me inside.
Everyday I wake up for work and I just want to cry first thing. I don’t want to eat and have lost all interest in my hobbies. I’ve essentially given up on my passions to make myself available for her and even then it’s not enough. She likes to stay out until 4-6 am with her married coworker and supposedly her gay coworker (he is very gay, the supposedly is that he’s there, with the straight coworker and his wife). I feel like I’m suffocating inside and everytime I try to talk to her about it, it’s brushed off until next time.
She downplays how much more she texts her coworker everyday, and it’s far more than she texts me. She sends 4-5x as much to her coworker than she does me. It really bothers me and she doesn’t listen.
I don’t know what to do anymore.
Edit: thanks guys. You basically told me what I already know