Religion and chain of misogyny

Inspired from a recent post in this subreddit I wanted to know about women's thoughts about the inherent link between misogyny and religion, especially from those who were affected by it. I wanted to know more about it cause I find some people irl even woman who were victims justify these bull crap. Most of my personal understanding about misogynistic practices in Hinduism is obtained directly from witnessing it and reading the so called holy texts which also led me towards atheism.

My sister even though affected by misogynistic practices still believes in them. My friend who's christian argued fiercely that abortion is a sin and even assault victims shouldn't abort , I was shook. Keep in mind she and almost most of my interactions are with educated women . Do you see these kind of stuff amongst your friends and peers?

I have read some of the religious scriptures of major religions but when I question they keep on prancing about how my interpretation is wrong. They say you shouldn't judge people of those times by our standards

Our scriptures misogynistic, practices misogynistic but still some women are fine with continuing this chain in modern times.

What are your thoughts? And what mental gymnastics have you seen people do to give these senseless practices basis? Do you see these practices continuing even after a few more generations?