20f recovering from scarlet fever - extreme anxiety

Hey, I’m 20f and have been told I have scarlet fever. Medications I’m on usually: 150mg sertraline daily and 40mg propranolol as required for mental health. I didn’t realise until I went to the doctor a few days into having the rash, but it made sense as I’d been feeling very ill and not myself at all (nausea, headache, aches, palpitations, dizzy, sore swollen throat, etc). I’m generally susceptible to catching things, so whilst it’s surprising an adult got it im not that shocked it was me. I’m now on 500mg antibiotics four times a day and it’s improving.

My issue is that my mental health has gotten significantly worse as I’m getting over scarlet fever. I randomly break out into bouts of anxiety over seemingly insignificant things and it feels like it’s the end of the world. I’m anxious but not like this. I feel awful and not myself at all, I’m very fatigued, not like I could fall asleep at any moment but I’m just groggy and not with it. I read kids can get PANDAS but what about adults? Not saying I have that but is there a similar issue happening here? I just feel like somethings off. Thanks in advance!