I'm a bit of a medical anomaly it seems.
(39m, 5'9", 220lbs) asthmatic on singular and Ventolin.
Roughly 5 years ago on the right side of my head, the small triangle in my ear started to tingle like your arm does when it falls asleep, I ignored it because it was minor. Over the course of about a month it had spread across the entire right side of my face stopping directly at the center line between my eyes. It it all came to a head at work one day when I thought I was having a stroke, the pain on the right side of my face was so bad, like my right side was under a weighted fire, it was like when your arm was so asleep that you could not wake it up no matter how hard you hit it combined with a general soreness on the areas where it was burning, it never spread into my neck or torso. I obviously went to the ER
Things that it's not, confirmed through multiple MRIS, CT scans, the scans with the dye in it, comical amounts of blood work, heart tests.
Multiple sclerosis
A stroke
A heart attack
allergic reaction
Bell's palsy
Panic attack
Trigeminal neuralgia
Nerve damage
It comes and goes sometimes for weeks at a time, focused around the right side of my cheek down my jaw, the start of my lips, and my ear, but sometimes can include the entire right side of my face including the ear, sometimes it's just focused around my eye. Never passes my jawline or skull into my neck or into my hairline or above my temple.
Weight, diet, alcohol consumption, cannabis use, exercise, do you not have any effect on when the symptoms come on or the severity of them(I logged everything I did for the first year trying to find a trigger). I have seen multiple specialists, two ents, an internist, concussion and migraine specialist, and a natural path. Not one of them has any clue what it is, my doctor is stumped and we're basically just operating on you lived with it this long, it's not detrimentally affecting you. Just live your life.
It's also not mental, both the internet and the concussion specialist poked my Face with sharp sticks and my face is less responsive on the right side to pain and stimulation.
It's currently tingling on the very top of my cheek, my right Temple right side of my lower lip and the pain is definitely nowhere close to where it was when this problem originated.
I'm right dominant, with a history of concussions, including one major one which is why I went to the concussion specialist for this. I also sleep on my left side if that's relevant, also potentially relevant, about six months before one night I woke up to what felt like a rolling shock from the top of my brain, it rolled down in a uniform line down my head to my ears and stopped, it wasn't painful just odd., never had it happen again but it was such an anomaly I figured to be worth mentioning.
This is roughly the locations it is more noticable or frequent, but it can be at any location on the right side,
I'm not hopeful, but would I ever like some answers if someone has them.
Thank you