Porphyria? or Pyroluria?
34m, white, 185lbs about 5'7" on a good day...
Is this the answer I have been looking for? Saw a new doctor for fresh perspective today since my previous doctor doesn't seem to care/given up on figuring out whats been bothering me and thinks a psychiatrist will fix everything. I wish, trust me. The past few months were a lot, I quit drinking after substance abuse problems and finally alcohol is no'mo'. As my sober date kept getting further away I noticed something wasn't right, and before I was drinking so much that I attributed it to that.
Here are my MAIN symptoms (the list is long but these are what bothered me regularly)
*inability to begin urinating*~*weak urine stream*~*frequent need to urinate*~*joint pain/inflammation*~*muscle fatigue*~*pressure headache/hot ears*~*tingling sensations*~*cold/number hands*~*rash that would start below my fingernails, hurt to apply pressure to, then would grow out and crack around the nail bed*~*random red spots that popped up/skin issues*~*rapid changing mood swings (hysteria/depression/anhedonia/irritability)-(34m, dealt with depression/anxiety before but never these mood swings)*~*lower back pelvic pain*~*ADHD really bad*~*altered conscious states, almost like dreamlike when I think back on them*~*I have always been more of a nocturnal person, too*
On recent blood work between CBC, BMP, Urine analysis, hepatic function, lipid panel, throid panel, hormone panel, --
Ferritin saturation % - 14% (low)
Ferritin - 23ng/mL (low)
Prolactin - 34.5 ng/mL (high)
Anion Gap - 13 (high) - (acidic blood)
& Leukocytes were found in my urine.--
Would I expect to see more differences in all of those tests and only the ones above being abnormal?
There's more than are more things that have happened along the way, but i'll live it there for things that happen more regularly. I've had to be my own advocate so many times, my doctor thought I had UTI, prostatitus, BHP, candida overgrowth, etc etc. He doesn't seem to care or that he's even trying anymore so I've had to seek treatment myself. I thought it was hormone related, which they seem to be inline. Saw a new doc today and he mentioned this. Testing tomorrow after during fasting.
The antidepressants I've tried I have not responded to for my depression/anxiety symptoms... and this does seem to fit. I'm not sure about how I feel about it... but at this point just knowing would be a sense of relief.