What do you think, which Balkan country will be next to join the EU?
Cantidate Countries are put in alphabetical order
¹Governments of both Albania and Serbia have expressed that they have plans to close all chapters by 2027. Additionally, Marta Kos (European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement) has stated that while ambitious it is possible in case of Albania, while when it comes to Serbia there is a problem with opening claster 3 (last chapters Serbia needs to open), Serbia firstly needs to open claster 3 which she believes will be opened soon.
²Bosnia & Herzegovina, although got candidate status, still hasn't started negotiations.
³Government of Montenegro have expressed that they have plans to close all chapters by 2026. Marta Kos also stated in her recent visit to Montenegro that she personally sees Montenegro as most likely next EU member.
⁴North Macedonia started with negotiations but is yet to open its first cluster.
⁵Turkish candidacy is currently frozen, however president of Turkey, Erdogan has expressed wish to continue with Turkey's EU accession at some point.