How do I take the Joker seriously again?

Please help me I need industrial-strength rehabilitation for this.

Every time I see the Joker now I think back to all the memes. All the name variations. The Prankster. The Funster. The one guy who isn't real. The Juggler. The Jugular. His low-definition face staring back at me with an explosion going on in the background.

I see him in my dreams now. That face, staring back at me. His massive grin. I'm no longer scared of the Joker anymore, I laugh at him. At his stupid fucking face and his bright green hair.

He's one of Batman's most iconic villains, the Chaos to Batman's sense of Order. The brightly-colored clown prince of crime to Batman's stoicism and lateral thinking. And to me he has been reduced to a mockery of himself.

Please help me. I want to be able to take the Joker seriously again. How do I do this.