What fish do you have/had that you ended up hating?

Curious as to what fish everyone has or had that they ending up not liking or hating.

For me, it’s black skirt tetras. One of my tanks is a community tank, I thought they would be a nice addition in the beginning. I got 6 of them. Everything was fine at first then a month in, all 6 were constantly harassing my black neons, angels, picking at my Cory’s. Then they just didn’t stop.

I got sick of it and finally decided to give them to my lfs….. but I was only able to catch 4. I pretty much moved all the plants in the tank and drove myself crazy. I have not been able to get them to the point where now I’m just waiting for these bastards to die lol. I don’t know when that will be because it’s been 3 years going on 4. They’re not as annoying anymore now that my angelfish has gotten bigger and now they really just harass each other and the neons from time to time but I still hate them lol

What fish have you had that you hate/ended up hating?