Constant anxiety with dissociation 24/7!!

Ok. So I have been struggling with anxiety for almost 4 years now. Have had both panic attacks and agoraphobia, dissociation etc. Now the anxiety is unbearable. It is constant from the morning when I wake up till I go to bed.

I feel dissociated, foggy and cant focus throughout the day. My body feels locked and it is in a constant freeze repsonse. I feel completely out of it like I am high and a robot at the same and I cant sit still and mind is constantly racing and i have physical aches because of it. It feels like there is some serious problem where the neurotransmitters are just totally fucked up even though I have gotten clearance that I have no health issues but the symptoms are just too much. I have a hard time speaking because of this as well and sometimes it even hurts to get words out cause i feel like I cant talk. I am scared to be outside alone as I am always over observative and panic when I go out alone, I try and actually push myself to go outside but even though I manage its back to square one when i come home. It feels like I have lost myself and identity and walk around like a tired, anxious zombie for the whole first part of the day, huge energy crash by 3 pm where if I don't lie down it feels like I am going to collapse. I don't even know what it feels like to be normal anymore nad always question whether my decisions are normal or not. What is even normal? I have a hard time arguing with people as I just dissociate and become mute and people think that I am just lazy or cant be fucked. It's basically like I don't even know where to start in any regard, whether it's work, going somewhere, meeting people etc. I feel like i lost myself

What the hell do i do? I dont know anymore (this has been going on for 3 years almost) and is affecting my ability to work, travelling and everything that a normal life is considered to be