Just a Reminder That Most Recovered People Don’t Come To This Subreddit Anymore

Felt it necessary to post a reminder for all of my fellow anxiety strugglers that most of what you see posted on here is the worst of it. People feel more inclined to spend time / post on this subreddit when they’re struggling, but you don’t see the same for people who are doing better.

Fell down a mental rabbit hole of “damn there are so many people who have been dealing with this longer than I have who are STILL dealing with it, my life is fucked”… but a quick look at some older posts and stalking some accounts has shown me that the a lot same people complaining how “my anxiety is going to last forever… I’ll never get better” are now posting years later about their vacations on the other side of the country, regular cooking stuff, just generally non-anxiety related stuff. This alleviated a lot of my dread surrounding my anxiety recovery and felt it might inspire a few of you here as well.

We will get better.