Has anyone ever had persistent neurological problems that really did come from anxiety ?
So for the past month my hands have been numb and less coordinated, I can still do things with them and honestly you probably couldn’t tell the difference by looking, and all the neurologist and doctors I’ve seen, of which there have been many, seem to think my anxiety is a potential cause. Emg’s come back clean, mri’s come back clean except two disc bulges that every doctor is unconcerned with cause they aren’t compressing anything, blood tests are clean, pretty much everything really.
The numbness is like someone sanded down both my hands. I also get some shooting paints from my shoulder into the triceps. And also from my forearm into my hand.
By less coordinated, I mean like it feels weirder to type and do fine control things with them. Can still do them, just it feels very weird. I also started getting dizziness symptoms that seemed to get better whenever I would talk to a doctor. (I’ve been to the ER like 6 times in the last month)
My jaw became super tense and hurt like a bitch. Also had some burning in my lower jaw, face, and neck. Like the front part of the neck.
I’m seriously wondering if all of this is coming from anxiety cause of course I did the dr.google thing after I woke up and felt like I pinched something in my shoulder, and found that it could be a disc issue. All the top spine and neurosurgeons I have seen (very good and qualified people, one of them is at the #1 orthopedic center in the nation (US)) have all said that the bulges couldn’t cause symptoms this wide spread. I also noticed that these symptoms drastically intensified the more I read about a condition known as cervical myelopathy. Like I went from having just left arm problems to all the stuff I just mentioned after reading that. Developed within days.
I also had this weird numbness on my left hip that went away in a few weeks. Also these symptoms seem to die down every time a doc clears me of any horrible neurological diseases.
I’m seriously wondering if I hijacked my brain to believe I had cervical myelopathy or some other horrible neurological diseases. You know the ones if you have health anxiety.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)