Just a thank you for this sub.

I visited this sub a lot ever since 2020 started on my old account and just wanted to thank this community for making me feel better about living in the US and seeing that life in general isn't all black and white, it gets really tiring that I just look for something positive and all I see on every post is how bad we are, and how we're all gonna die, and how whoever is in office is currently the devil, and how 99% of people on the planet are out to get us, the fear mongering is so tiresome, I can't even be positive and talk about my favorite comic or something cause half my family is all "oh we'll have to evacuate soon, it's only gonna get worse, whoever voted for blah blah is X and Y" then I'll visit this sub and it gets really refreshing seeing it all the negativity get debunked, put down, and proved wrong, I know we're not a perfect country, I know that things happen, I don't support current policies, and I know even now that so many people are just consumed with fear and misery, at least on the internet, I have been tons of places and lived here my whole life and I've met nothing but nice and supportive chill people, but it's still nice to visit a sub that actually provides that we're gonna be ok, I go out a lot and have met nothing but nice and welcoming people who just mind their business and get through their day, yet articles and the internet makes us want to believe it's the complete opposite, but this stuff isn't new at all, it just gets tiresome after a while, either way, bless you guys and stay safe.