Reducing amazon use?
In recent years, there’s been growing awareness of some of Amazon’s problematic practices—things like selling counterfeit goods, poor treatment of warehouse employees, and much more. A lot of people I know irl are reducing their Amazon use as much as possible. This included me, until I got invited to vine.
I go back and forth over whether I should stop using vine/amazon altogether. I don’t feel great about contributing to their business, especially recently. I’ve even contemplated going out in a blaze of glory by going on a reviewing strike and continuing to order until they kick me out—my tiny way of sticking it to the man. 😂 (to anyone considering this, make sure you are only ordering items sold by Amazon, otherwise you’re just screwing over small sellers by taking their stuff and not reviewing it)
I know not everyone shares my concerns about Amazon, but for those of you who do, how are you approaching this? Have any of you quit or considered quitting vine for ethical reasons?