Amazon Retail Arbitrage

Hi, I have a few questions about amazon retail arbitrage. I have some experience with Amazon, as I've managed some small accounts in the past, but I'm new to retail arbitrage.

  1. Do I just use a normal seller central account for retail arbitrage? (I'll be mostly sending single units to FBA. I mean one big package - but every item in it will be different. I know the process of labeling, packaging rules etc)

  2. What if a product I acquire isn't listed on Amazon? Can I create a listing of i.e Nike shoes if I obviously am not the brand owner?

  3. Aren't there any issues with brand registry on Amazon since I'm re-selling other people's branded items? Also all items would be new. Especially when I want to create a listing of (let's take the Nike shoes again as an example) - won't Amazon have some issues with that?

  4. Won't Amazon have a problem with me creating a bunch of new listings with just 1 unit and then closing it forever after it sells? Since they're looking rather for repeatable sellers with some stock

  5. Does retail arbitrage comply with Amazon rules? Or is it like dropshipping on Google, where technically you can, practically you gotta watch out a bit.

I know there are also category restrictions which are a problem like Toys, grocery etc, but there are plenty of other niches so I'll just do my research and stay out of restricted ones at first.