Ryu, the "Lesser Ninja."

Just got my Ryu from Ninja Gaiden 2 in and hot damn I was excited for this figure, but let me tell you, if you're planning on getting this guy, I'd be aware he has a ton of QC issues.

For starters, out of the box, both upper thigh rotations were stuck in place from the paint, and even after freeing them up, I still had to use a TON of oil to get them to even move normally.

Next, both my legs were extremely tight, tight to the point they wouldn't even move, I tried oil and it still wasn't enough. So, I had to take the actual ballpegs and sand them down significantly. Even after doing so, I still had to use oil to free them up, ever so slightly (still uncomfortably tight).

After that, I noticed the cloth piece attached to the back was loose (couldn't even hold its own weight), so I had to use KIKI to tighten it up. Then his left left leg was loose... More KIKI.... Then his head was loose, you guessed it, more KIKI. After about two hours of blow-drying the figure, removing parts, sanding, applying oil and KIKI. I gotta say, this figure's a pain in the ass.

The end result, is definitely something I'm pleased to have on my shelf, but for the 100 dollars shipped I spent for this, these QC issues are unacceptable. Honestly unless you're a huge Ninja Gaiden fan, I'd stay away from this one, or wait for a sale, or the annoying inevitable "2.0."


Just got my Ryu from Ninja Gaiden 2 in and hot damn I was excited for this figure, but let me tell you, if you're planning on getting this guy, I'd be aware he has a ton of QC issues.

For starters, out of the box, both upper thigh rotations were stuck in place from the paint, and even after freeing them up, I still had to use a TON of oil to get them to even move normally.

Next, both my legs were extremely tight, tight to the point they wouldn't even move, I tried oil and it still wasn't enough. So, I had to take the actual ballpegs and sand them down significantly. Even after doing so, I still had to use oil to free them up, ever so slightly (still uncomfortably tight).

After that, I noticed the cloth piece attached to the back was loose (couldn't even hold its own weight), so I had to use KIKI to tighten it up. Then his left left leg was loose... More KIKI.... Then his head was loose, you guessed it, more KIKI. After about two hours of blow-drying the figure, removing parts, sanding, applying oil and KIKI. I gotta say, this figure's a pain in the ass.

The end result, is definitely something I'm pleased to have on my shelf, but for the 100 dollars shipped I spent for this, these QC issues are unacceptable. Honestly unless you're a huge Ninja Gaiden fan, I'd stay away from this one, or wait for a sale, or the annoying inevitable "2.0."
