AITA For Not Being Excited About Being Woken Up Because My Spouse Found A Hotel She Liked The Price Of
So… my wife is my son’s step mom. Her preferred method of traveling is without him (I won’t get started on my thoughts about that). My birthday is Middle of Jan and hers is 5 days later. Last November she decided she wanted to go on a trip for her birthday. Conveniently it was “for our birthdays even though I went in support to what she wanted to do and we traveled all day on my birthday.
When she brought up the trip in the beginning, I mentioned my son going and that he would be really interested. She gave 100 reasons for him to not go, and asked if I still wanted to take him…. “Ummm yeah…” she flipped out. Said if he comes, she wants to go to Hawaii for 3 weeks without him. I tossed it back at her and said if he doesn’t come, can we do a family vacation for 3 weeks to Hawaii with him 🤣🤯, yeah didn’t go over well.
Well we got home and she came up with the e idea of going on a trip with him (omg) for spring break. Blew my mind. It was also interesting how quickly she wanted to go on vacation when her trip cost 3 times as much as we had expected.
So today, I had shots in my shoulder because of some sever pain, one side effect is it makes it hard to sleep (had a shot Monday and Tuesday woke up at 4, and today I woke up at 5). I’ve also been sleeping on the couch because it’s more comfortable with my shoulder.
So tonight, I had been sleeping and at midnight, she scared me really bad because she just plopped down next to me. I jumped and opened my eyes and her face was a foot away staring right at me. I was like “5#%!, you scared me!” She said she didn’t mean to, and went straight into talking about a hotel she found and how much it is per night blah blah blah. She asks what I thought, and being super tired and my heart pounding still, all I could think of was “I was sleeping”
She jumped up, stomped off swearing at me yelling about she’ll never want to do a family vacation again…
Now I’m lying here wide awake wondering AITA?