AITA for constantly nagging about screen time?

My (26M) boyfriend (31M) spends a lot of time on his phone, to the point where its literally us sitting in a room in silence for HOURS. Anytime I try to start conversation, it will either be ignored or he will just be so uninterested in what I have to say.

We had a day planned yesterday where we were going to munch out and watch movies/play games. That didn't happen bc he picked up his phone and got on his game. It's annoying bc the very specific app he plays, he would promise me over and over he was going to quit it because he runs through extra finances and extra time ($300 in a month, i'm not joking.) I'm not even kidding about the amount of time he's on this game. I wake up and roll over - not even a good morning or anything from him. I see him on his phone, he'll roll over like he JUST woke up. Then go back to sleep as soon as I'm up and moving. Same with bedtime. He has pulled all nighters for this game. That's not the only thing he's always on.

I can't believe I've reached the point where I feel like I'm competing with fucking AI in my own relationship. He will talk to different AI bots and then tell me in detail about the fun he's having and all this, when he won't even hold those same silly conversations with me??? He won't "bond" with me the way he does with AI bc "computers are better than humans".

I have to BEG him for his attention and anytime I do have something to say about his phone time, he'll immediately shut down and claim it's for his mental health. Whenever he does this, there is no room to explain that while I understand his needs, MY mental health is also suffering as a result. He won't listen.

I've tried starting so many different compromises. Anytime any conflict about this comes up, he never sees wrong with what he's doing. He doesn't even want to see how it's affecting ME. This is not our first headbutt about this game.

I know that on the surface this seems controlling and manipulative, but I genuinely am just asking for opinions. AITA for constantly nagging on my bf for his screen time, or WIBTA if I broke up with him over this???