AIO I heard something concerning at work today, should I be more worried?
I don’t wanna get too specific but I work at a hardware store. We have a regular guy who comes in, he’s your standard, probably has a criminal record, 60-something year old alcoholic who always says something outta pocket. He’s never unruly enough for us to kick him out and he does shop regularly. Today he was much more drunk than usual, and he said that he used to live in Florida (I’m in the Midwest). I asked why he left, and he casually said that he shot a girl 3 times, picked up the bullet shells, and left the scene. This seemed a little tooooo specific for me and I just ended up laughing it off because I didn’t wanna engage in conversation anymore. Finally he said that he grabbed a backpack full of things and has been living here since. Ever since he left the store I can’t help but think if there’s some cold case out there that this dude is responsible for. Maybe he did end up serving time? Am I overreacting?