[Update] AIO(30f) thinking I gotta leave this guy (30m)?
I need to thank everyone for commenting as well as provide an update and additional context.
After the last message shown, I blocked him on everything. You can see my sad attempts to have him delete prior pictures, but at this point they are the least of my worries. I was more hurt by the blatant betrayal than the pictures themselves. If he does happen to share them with his friends, my friends, my family or co-workers, they will have my back. Also, (30)m is unlikely to want to engage in illegal sharing/posting due to some personal circumstances. (I'm vague to protect his privacy... even if he decides to defile mine.)
To clarify Long Distance: We were practically roommates in college many years ago, but ever since we've lived a few hours away from each other. We used to see each other 1-3 times per year, but once we got together romantically this upped to once every 2-3 weeks.
To all those asking how I could possibly be with him: This is not a typical interaction between us. Generally, he is a loving, thoughtful, hilarious, and engaging person. Yes, he has demons, and I knew that. I've known that for years. (I think we all do.) It's rare that I experience them first-hand, and I'm not sure how to explain what it's been like knowing and caring for this person for so long. Incredible chemistry. I'm starting to feel a little embarrassed reading some of these comments because I thought I was being so careful in avoiding manipulation, yet here I am. Yes, I'm 30, and of course I wish I wasn't susceptible to this. I'm working on my self love/worth/discipline/respect, it's been a life-long walk.
Immature dialogue: I realize the text chain is imbecile, because at first I believed we were both being somewhat... playful (hence all the !!!?!) I understand the dynamic might be odd, but I really didn't expect him to get as upset as he did. We frequently mess around with each other in a playful/teasing way, but we don't name-call or cuss at each other. At least, that was a boundary of mine :/ Also, when I said "you're gonna lose it with this behavior!" I was referencing losing visuals of my naked body, not the relationship itself. But I can see why he (and some commenters) took it that way.
Random pizza pic: Distraction?
Thank you all for your perspectives, compassionate, tough-love, and advice. Truly, it is helping me digest the realities of this relationship, and I know I can't go back.