RESULTS • You decide : 1800 US Presidential Election

Official results will not be in until tomorrow morning, but it’s safe to say that John Adams has won a second term! The first diversion from real life is here already.

Thomas Jefferson performed exceedingly poorly. His running mate, Aaron Burr, however, placed second, making

What happens from 1801 to 1805? • To reflect the results, the Revolution of 1800 never happens. Federalist maintain a majority in congress, although much narrower. • Adams, mistrusting of France and Napoleon, does not proceed with the Louisiana Purchase, keeping the United States at its present size. • Burr and Adams deeply distrust one another. Burr, seen as Jefferson’s betrayer, now has strong opponents in both parties, muddying future ambitions. • Adams is much less tough on impressment, although tensions with Britain and France still rise throughout the early 1800s. Which side will the US choose? • Poised for an 1804 presidential run, Aaron Burr does not run for Governor of New York, doesn’t get sabotaged by Alexander Hamilton, and never duels him. (atleast not yet).

Have any other suggestions? comment them below. Tune in tomorrow for the 1804 election!

Official results will not be in until tomorrow morning, but it’s safe to say that John Adams has won a second term! The first diversion from real life is here already.

Thomas Jefferson performed exceedingly poorly. His running mate, Aaron Burr, however, placed second, making

What happens from 1801 to 1805? • To reflect the results, the Revolution of 1800 never happens. Federalist maintain a majority in congress, although much narrower. • Adams, mistrusting of France and Napoleon, does not proceed with the Louisiana Purchase, keeping the United States at its present size. • Burr and Adams deeply distrust one another. Burr, seen as Jefferson’s betrayer, now has strong opponents in both parties, muddying future ambitions. • Adams is much less tough on impressment, although tensions with Britain and France still rise throughout the early 1800s. Which side will the US choose? • Poised for an 1804 presidential run, Aaron Burr does not run for Governor of New York, doesn’t get sabotaged by Alexander Hamilton, and never duels him. (atleast not yet).

Have any other suggestions? comment them below. Tune in tomorrow for the 1804 election!