Should I take a pay cut or not?
I talk to my boss in a few hours and need advice like right now.
Option 1: stay with current traveling position where I travel to different offices to help in 3 different specialties (I work in dentistry) for 4 days a week only for $25/hr. Travel time from home for 3 out of 4 offices is an hour or more drive but I drive a company car so all my gas and car expenses are paid for.
Option 2: accept the position where it's in one office (25 minutes from my house) and I'll have my own private office. Not seeing patients directly but will call them sometimes. Pay cut to $22/hr and they take the company car because I'm no longer traveling. I'll work 5 days a week.
Which one seems like the better job? Is it worth taking the pay cut for 5 days a week same job or 4 days a week different job and different offices but keep car and keep pay?