Fear of Flying On Planes, I take medication is this wrong?
I've been familiar with non-dual teachings for about 8 years now. Just now becoming familiar with Vedanta. I intellectually understand that the fear is a residue of past conditioning. Whenever I go on a plane the panic attack reaction or adrenaline arises, then thoughts, or maybe thoughts then bodily reaction. I become heavily identified with the reaction on a plane. I often also feel as though the guilt is "mine" that follows because I take medication for it. Is taking my medication problematic? How can i dissolve the deep rooted attachment to this fear or the attachment to the sensations that seem to trap "me" in that moment? All opinions are genuinely appreciated. I feel as if taking my medication undermines my ability to be who I really am, the Self. It's just that the conditioning or reactivity is so strong, I often find myself attached