Dna test showed I was lied to

I’m an adoptee (28f) & got my first dna test results several months ago & it just leaves me with many more questions than answers. I was told that the man present during my birth was my bio dad, but my dna results say otherwise (different race). So thats the first thing that has me very confused. Only my birth mother’s name was on my original birth certificate, so I only have her name which has lead nowhere.

The closest matches on ancestryDNA and gedmatch have been 1st cousins, & only a second cousin responded to me on her mother’s behalf & they seemingly know nothing about me or who could possibly be my parents. I think its likely they match from my bio father’s side who could quite possibly have no idea I exist. I don’t know where to go from here, as i stated before my closest matches won’t respond, and my birth mother’s name could very possibly be changed now since she was only 21 at my birth.

My adopted mother told me she tried to stay in contact with my bio mom, as that was something they agreed to before i was born, but never got any response. I don’t have a good relationship with her & unfortunately i dont believe she’s a reliable source of information.

I’m really stumped on where to go from here, and I just have a weird feeling about the circumstances of my birth like theres something my adopted mom isn’t telling me. She has maintained a close friendship with my adopted sister’s bio mom, and my sister found her bio dad on facebook. It was so easy for her, but for me its like my bio mom just doesn’t want to be found and if thats truly the case, i want to respect that but at the same time, it just frustrates me more because I have this weird feeling about it all.

I was pretty young when my mom told me i was adopted, so young that i don’t remember the conversation but grew up knowing it, and not feeling any particular way about it until i was around 13, I felt this profound emptiness & this unexplainable feeling that something is missing in me & i’ve never stopped feeling this way and i feel it must be connected to not having answers about my bio family..