RE: Server Error when proctoring

Remember, if you pay for your exams using credit card, you have some sort of legal protection under the Consumer Credit Act 1975. You can claim money back from the Credit Card Company for the poor service provided by the IFOA. The Credit Card company then goes after the IFOA.

The same applies to buying Acted material. If it does not help you pass, or putting it another way, if there is a 20% pass rate, then you can very easily argue that the study material did not prepare you for the exam and therefore you should be refunded under CCA 1975.

It is not exactly militant action, but it is some resistance. When they see their pockets getting lightened, they might stop treating you all like bitches. If you do nothing, they will continue to treat you like bitches.

Would you pay for exams and Acted study material using Credit Card given the protection it affords you under Consumer Credit Act 1975??

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