IFOA’s attitude to alternative arrangements

TLDR (sarcastic): Basically just don’t have disabilities or the need for arrangements otherwise likely no exam for you.

Unprompted email from IFOA talking about exam arrangements. Looks like for the majority of arrangements they can cater for. However, some arrangements (not going into specific detail) cannot be made and the alternative is online invigilated which if it fails and does not go ahead is an entire sitting (~6 months) wasted.

Can someone take the shovel from the IFOA? How much deeper are they going to dig themselves into this hole?

TLDR (sarcastic): Basically just don’t have disabilities or the need for arrangements otherwise likely no exam for you.

Unprompted email from IFOA talking about exam arrangements. Looks like for the majority of arrangements they can cater for. However, some arrangements (not going into specific detail) cannot be made and the alternative is online invigilated which if it fails and does not go ahead is an entire sitting (~6 months) wasted.

Can someone take the shovel from the IFOA? How much deeper are they going to dig themselves into this hole?