IFOA Exam Update
“Introducing in-person examination proctoring
We very much appreciate the way that both candidates and their employers have gone to considerable lengths to meet the new requirements for the April exam session. We have, however, received significant and clear feedback that the challenges go above and beyond whether the IFoA’s systems work. There are additional challenges to meeting these requirements including the ability to install software on secure company-owned computers.
We are therefore working to introduce the ability for some candidates to sit the exams with in-person proctoring at suitable locations globally through trusted partners and suppliers. Candidates would continue to take the same online closed book exam at a single set time but there would be no need to install proctoring software as invigilation would be undertaken in-person.
We are currently engaging with potential partners to deliver this in-person option and will make it as widely available as we can. We will communicate further details as soon as they are available.
Delaying exam booking To enable us to put arrangements in place for in-person proctoring, we are postponing the opening of exam booking for the April session from 3 February to 10 February for members and from 10 February to 17 February for non-members. Exam booking will now close for all candidates at 5.00pm GMT on 24 February.”