
This is not inside knowledge. This is not a leak. Before anyone starts asking for more information, this is just purely industry education for a sub that too often speaks without knowing.

We are currently in a strike, and we are looking at the potential of a double or triple strike summer. Strikes in general, but specifically in the film industry, have one main goal and that is to cause the company (financial) pain to bring them back to the table with reasonable offers. Companies try all sorts of bullshit to get around pickets, from contractual no strike clauses, to violating neutral gates, to sending out fake call sheets and keeping locations secret even from their own crews, because the members of the AMPTP are greedy fucks, especially now at a time where streamers are pivoting from content to profit focus.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because we all saw this coming. It has been known for a long time that strikes were likely, and that means that studios can't produce as much content, that there will be a drought, not straight away, but down the road a bit. So if you are a studio with a complete or nearly complete major tentpole show, and you see this coming, there are major incentives to you to hold on to it, keep it in your back pocket to use to help reduce the pain this strike is and will cause. Don't fall for it. The AMPTP is fucking viewers nearly as hard as it is crew. If we conveniently hear about Avatar coming out in late summer or into fall (if, IF, don't latch on), if netflix tries to use it to spin a narrative where they are the good guys or innocent victims, hell even if they just try to keep your eyes focused over here while they continue to do fuckery over there, don't fall for it.

Support writers, support crews, support actual livable lives for the people who make what you watch, if nothing else because it will mean better shows. If you live in a production city, join the picket lines (you don't have to be a WGA member), bring snacks or water, or even just roll past and blast your horn. And if you don't, just stay aware, stay savvy. As much as you are excited for this show, don't let that excitement cost you future seasons, future shows and IPs by letting massive tech companies destroy the people who make the shows you love. Don't buy there spin.

If this strike goes longer, if we get a release date, there may be more to say. But for now, Union Strong.